I am planning a trip to Haiti in June and am so excited I might explode! Those of you who know me, know I have wanted to take a trip since before Siah was born, but it has never worked out...well, now I have my passport, getting my shots in a few weeks, have help with my family, and I have a team to go with! I think of where God has brought me from the time I first really wanted to go, and am excited for God's timing in this! I have had such a burden this past year to get involved in helping those in greatest need! The website www.onedaygive.com was one step, but actually going to Haiti, and meeting the people, and playing with the children, and snuggling the babies...this is a dream come true!
There are still some details that are coming together, with travel arrangements, and childcare here at home, so I covet your prayers if you think of it, that God would being everything together just right for this! I am so EXCITED!!!