So God has been doing a work in my heart, placing there a strong desire to LOVE others, like real Agape love! To open my eyes to the world around me, those in need, those hurting, those get my thoughts, my concerns, and my investments off of myself, and love as God has called me to love!!
If you are like me, the whole idea of helping and giving can be daunting! So many needs, I can't help everyone...once overwhelmed I find myself months down the line having done nothing! Then another moment, a Haiti video, or World Vision presentation, maybe an add on tv, and I get a glimpse again of the need there is, this conviction to help, a realization of how much need there is, I get overwhelmed...and again I do NOTHING!!
So, its time to put a stop to this cycle, to do as I am told in 1 John, and love not only in my words, but TAKE ACTION!!!
I want to help those in need as well as those stuck in my cycle, by beginning a work! I'm calling this ONE DAY!
Basically I will choose one day (probably fall '09) and put out a challenge to people all over the US to give that days earnings, just one day's wages to something beyond themselves, to help others in need. It could be through World Vision, a local homeless shelter, whatever they choose, but give to SOMETHING!!
If you want to get involved, get your youth group or church involved, or maybe you know people or have connections with people who could help spread the word, send me an email at, or call me at 774 258 2419 So excited to see what God has in store!!!
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