Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I LOVE Christmas, always have!! I must confess though I am one to get caught up in the world's "christmas spirit". Not even all bad things, some of it is the excitement of giving, and blessing others this season! This morning as I sat and pondered Christ, who He was, what his coming meant, the fact that He came to redeem us! I was challenged even in this as I read this morning.... I often see Christ coming as God's way of cleaning up the mess we made, as rebooting His plan at creation, and giving us another shot to know Him as Adam and Eve once knew Him. A thought struck me hard this morning though...God wasn't "cleaning up our mess", and "rebooting His plan", Jesus was His plan all along! He planned to redeem us to Himself, to set us free once again from the bondage of sin, and make a way for us to know Him again!! Then the reality of who Jesus is hit me, and what an incredible gift of Love God gave in sending Him to earth to die that we might be redeemed!!! So, this Christmas more than getting gifts, or even giving gifts, more than seeing family, and eating tons of Christmas goodies, I am most excited to celbrate the birth of my SAVIOR!!

1 comment:

Jillian said...

merry christmas! i hope you and your wonderful family have a great day!!