Monday, March 9, 2009

Being Intentional

I want every moment to count, every second of my life to bring Him more Glory, and I know that if I am gonna do it, give it all up, die to self there are things that need to go! I love tv, but far too often I use tv as something to shut down my mind, and make it easy to not think deep, or be intentional about focusing my thoughts on God! Being intentional is something I struggle with across the board, honestly. Auto Pilot is such a dangerous place..I think about Romans 7, "What I want to do I don't do, and what I dont want to do I do..." thats me, when I stop being intentional about my faith, I begin flirting with the devil. So, I have decided its time to fast from tv, and replace that with intentional time in the Word, reading, praying focusing my thoughts!
Also Facebook..I love facebook, and think it has been the best invention ever for people like me who have moved around, and love to keep in touch with old friends, however, I find myself wasting soooooo much time following other people's lives. This is a tough one, but I am taking a month completely off!
What will I do with all this extra time? Pop this puppy out of auto pilot, and hand over the controls to the One who should have had them all along!! Its time to make each moment count!!

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